Kaspersky APT Intelligence Reporting
Counteracting modern cyberthreats requires a 360-degree view of the tactics, techniques and procedures used by threat actors. While the C&Cs and tools used in attacks change frequently, it’s difficult for attackers to change their behavior and methods during attack execution. Identifying and exposing these patterns promptly helps deploy effective defensive mechanisms in advance, disarming cybercriminals and disrupting the kill chain.

Kaspersky Lab's GReAT team now tracks 200+ threat actors, uncovering the most sophisticated and dangerous targeted attacks, cyber-espionage campaigns, major malware, ransomware and underground cybercriminal trends in 85 countries

Only a small number of our investigations are announced publicly but all are reported to our active customers, helping them to proactively deploy effective threat detection and risk mitigation controls for the associated campaigns

Each report provides an overview of the campaign, outlining industries and regions affected, probably attribution and objectives, as well as detailed technical analysis with a list of corresponding IoCs and YARA rules
Suitable for
- Enterprises
- Financial Services
- Government
- Managed Security Service Providers
Get Started
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Learn more about APT campaigns from our publicly announced investigations
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The Use
Outsmart cybercriminals with our strategic guidance
- Methods, tactics and tools used by cybercriminals
- Mapping to the ATT@CK Framework
- Intelligence tailored to your region and industry
- Actionable recommendations and advice
Hunt down the most sophisticated threats
- Continuous APT monitoring
- Immediate alerts and notifications
- Retrospective analysis
- 12 000 Indicators of Compromise and 700 YARA rules
Enhance your team with Kaspersky GReAT
- 40+ security professionals with unrivaled experience, expertise and passion
- Multi-lingual team, fluent in Russian, English, Chinese, Arabic, Farsi and more
- Continuous access and undercover presence on the most restricted dark web communities and forums
- Operates in Europe, Russia, the Americas, Asia, Australia and the Middle East
The Risk
Tracking, analyzing, interpreting and mitigating constantly evolving IT security threats is a massive undertaking. Enterprises across all sectors are facing a shortage of the up-to-the-minute, relevant data they need to help manage the risks associated with IT security threats, due to:
Real threats being buried among thousands of insignificant alerts
Poor incident prioritization
Inadequate internal funding due to poor risk visibility
Undiscovered but active threats lurking within the organization
Unknown attack vectors being missed
Pursuing a security strategy that's unaligned with the current threat landscape
Get in touch and talk to one of our experts about how Kaspersky can help you protect your business.