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September 22, 2000 A new version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus (AVP) for Linux has been released! Cambridge, UK, September 22, 2000, - Kaspersky Labs Int., an international anti-virus software development company, announces a new version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus (AVP) for...
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May 10, 2000 "LoveLetters" are no longer a threat to your computers and networks Cambridge, UK, May 10, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, announces the release of AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP) Script...
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April 28, 2000 Cambridge, UK, April 28, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, announces the release of AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP) (beta-version) for Qmail gateways operating under Linux and FreeBSD. AVP...
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April 27, 2000 Cambridge, UK, April 27, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, announces the release of a new improved version of its unique anti-virus product AVP Inspector, which is based on principles...
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March 31, 2000 Cambridge, UK, March 31, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast growing international anti-virus software development company, announces the release of its flagship anti-virus product AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP) for firewall security software. AVP for...
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March 29, 2000 Cambridge, UK, March 29, 2000 - Kaspersky Labs Int., an international anti-virus software vendor, announces the release of a beta version of AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP) for Sendmail e-mail gateways operating under Linux for Intel platform. AVP for...
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December 8, 1999 Cambridge, UK, December 8, 1999 - Kaspersky Labs Int., an international anti-virus software vendor, announces the release of it's flagship anti-virus product AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP) for BSDi Unix operating system. "The extreme tasks such...
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November 26, 1999 It's time for safe e-mailing Cambridge, UK, November 26, 1999 -- Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing, international, anti-virus software development company, announced the release of AVP for mail servers, operating under MS Exchange Server....
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November 25, 1999 The world's first Linux-based rescue disc is on the way Cambridge, UK, November 25, 1999 - Kaspersky Labs Int., a fast-growing international anti-virus software development company, announces the public release of the first commercial version of AVP...
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