Nearest Neighbor: a remote attack on Wi-Fi networks
We discuss the recently discovered Nearest Neighbor attack method, which enables attackers to compromise a Wi-Fi network from the other side of the world.
66 articles
We discuss the recently discovered Nearest Neighbor attack method, which enables attackers to compromise a Wi-Fi network from the other side of the world.
Even in 2024, the world is rife with digital paranoia and superstition. Is my smartphone tracking me? Will incognito mode make me invisible? This post answers these and lots of other related questions.
Even at cruising altitude, cyberthreats can still ground your digital life — as proven by a recent arrest. How to protect yourself at 30,000 feet above sea level?
Kaspersky experts examined the security of public Wi-Fi hotspots in Paris on the eve of the Olympics.
The exact location of your router is publicly available through global Wi-Fi geolocation databases. Let’s explore why this is necessary, and the risks it entails and how to mitigate them.
Researchers have learned to recognize the positions and poses of people indoors using Wi-Fi signals. To do this, they used ordinary home routers and machine learning.
What’s the easiest way to hack a WPA2-protected wireless network? Using PMKID interception. Here’s how it works, and what you can do to protect yourself.
Security companies offer smart technologies — primarily cameras — to protect your home from burglary, fire and other incidents. But what about protecting these security systems themselves from intruders? We fill this gap.
The new school year is in session. Here are some tips for keeping your kids safe both on their devices and online.
A new school year, and a familiar headache for parents: kids’ cybersecurity. In this first post, we discuss how to protect your children’s gadgets from cyberthreats.
What caused a mass vulnerability in VPN clients, and how to keep them working.
What settings do you need to clear before getting rid of a gadget?
Four threats you might face when using Airbnb, and tips for avoiding them.
Smart feeders were invented to make life easier for pet owners; however, their vulnerabilities threaten not only owners’ privacy, but also the health of their pets.
If you want your smart home to do more good than harm, you should configure it correctly and secure it adequately. We review smart-home security in detail.
Chances are your home already contains a few smart components. But can you make them even smarter so as to reap yet more benefits from them?
What is a man-on-the-side attack, and how does it differ from a man-in-the-middle attack?
More than a third of people polled believe that cacti absorb harmful radiation. Strong electric fields are indeed harmful, but cactus protection works very differently to how you imagined.
Researchers find a new reliable way to track the location of wireless Wi-Fi devices.
Introducing a bunch of new powerful features in Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection, which make the app even more convenient and helpful.
We explain how attackers can steal your credentials and how you can prevent it.