850 articles

BlackEnergy 2: a good set or bad deeds

Securelist has published extensive research on BlackEnergy. Initially a DDoS crimeware, it turned into a huge collection of various tools currently used in various APT-type activities, including some “significant geopolitical operations”.

The dark story of Darkhotel

Kaspersky Lab has just announced the discovery of an alarming APT campaign codenamed “Darkhotel,” targeted mainly at business executives staying at certain hotels in Asia. Luxury hotels offer not just places to stay, but also comfort and privacy. However, their cybersecurity occasionally fails.

How a Linux bug may affect Virtual infrastructure

Linux bugs may affect or directly threaten entire virtualization infrastructures: Whatever OS is used on VMs, an attack on a hypervisor is possible from both the outside and inside, and exploitation of the dreaded Shellshock vulnerability on Linux-based hypervisors is a possibility, too.

Pikes in the lake: new bugs to keep us awake

Vulnerabilities vary. Some are considered critical, some – less problematic; their severity is determined by a few well-known factors such as ease of exploitability and popularity of software. But, no matter their differences they all require serious attention at a constant level, so that when the next Shellshock-like incident occurs, it won’t take cybersecurity world by surprise.

Good Gets Better: KIS 2015

Like it or not, your children are going to be on the web. Kaspersky’s award-winning parental controls let you monitor their activity and block them from any sites that you choose.

Thinking of security over Apple’s live stream bummer

The biggest concern about Apple Pay is that one’s iCloud account now controls not only private photos, app data, and messages, but also money. You lose your password – you lose everything and as the celebrity hack showed us, there is no need to hack Apple’s servers. Social engineering, phishing, trojans – all cybercriminal tools will now be targeted at people’s electronic wallets.