
231 articles

Stuxnet’s “hole”: the vulnerability is still around

Four years after the discovery of the Stuxnet worm, the primary vulnerability it had been exploiting is still around. This is mainly the problem of poorly maintained Windows XP PCs and servers, most likely inhabited by worms. In the interconnected world a neglected PC or a server is a possible problem for many people.


What is an Exploit?

If Achilles’s heel was his vulnerability in the Iliad, then Paris’s poison tipped arrow was the exploit. Quite literally, an exploit is the device or – more often than not

David Lenoe at Security Analyst Summit

David Lenoe, Adobe PSIRT group manage, discusses the Sandbox bypass press release which offered only partial disclosure, leaving much to be left unaddressed in terms of potential vulnerabilities. [youtube]

Java: Handle With Care

Software vulnerabilities are published every day, by the hundreds, and most users don’t think much about them, aside from them time it takes them to update their software. But when